How to Improve Health Outcomes?

17 August, 2023
Outdoor fitness equipment is a device or an apparatus used for physical activity to improve the strength or health conditioning effects by providing an adjustable…

What Equipment Is Needed To Create A Skate Park?

17 August, 2023
WINAM would like to introduce a wide variety of equipment used in public skating facilities. The design of skating obstacles is limited only by imagination.…

Do You Know Play Help a Child’s Brain Development?

15 August, 2023
Could your WINAM playground equipment provide more benefits for children than you realize? It’s been widely reported that playtime is suitable for kids. Physical play…

Creating a nature-themed inclusive play space – MerPerle Hon Tam Resort

15 August, 2023
MerPerle Hon Tam Resort owns a unique location on Hon Tam Island, one of the four most beautiful islands in Nha Trang Bay. Immerse yourself…

3 Popular Playground Surfaces

15 June, 2023
Designing a safe playground starts from the ground up. It’s essential to have safe playground equipment, but the surface under the equipment also makes a…

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Greetings, I'm Nguyen Tay Tai Nguyen, the General Director of WINAM. If you have any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact me through this form. I commit to providing a personal response within a 24-hour timeframe.


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