

  • 2 Year
  • 20,2 x 17,1 x 6,6
  • Safety

Monheim am Rhein now has its own jungle! “It was our goal to create as many exciting possibilities for play and movement as possible,” says Fritz Ulrich Axt, responsible for playgrounds at Monheim District Council. “Some people might recall these from the old Tarzan films, but, bearing safety in mind, has been done in such a way as not to uproot too many trees and bushes in the process.”

Just like Tarzan, children can now climb up into the heights via various types of climbing and balancing apparatus, a suspen- sion bridge and two tree houses, and discover the seemingly dangerous jungle world.

The new playground’s main attraction is a combined play structure from Berliner’s Greenville product line. Up the child- ren go, via the central mast play structure’s spatial net, held by a five-way tensioning system, into tree house Boo, which is attached to the central mast play structure 4,5 m up in the air.

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